This heart-racing novel begins with Hee Liang, who has always been an exceptional student. However, from the moment he fainted three months ago, his academics have declined drastically, mostly because he sleeps all the time, and cannot study.
Hee Liang becomes a laughing stock in his school, and all the girls who used to crush on him now start to laugh at him.
You can imagine how humiliating this must be for him.
To worsen things, Wu Ling, the same principal who had begged Hee Liang years ago to come to Chengde Middle school because of his exceptional abilities, now asks him to leave the school.
This comes as a shock to Hee Liang, because leaving school means that he will not be able to participate in the Grand Plan, the highest competition in the district.
As he walks home dejectedly, feeling like he has lost everything, he shockingly hears a voice in his head, informing him that he has obtained a system.
The Almighty system.
Immediately, the frequent sleepiness that he has been experiencing for the past three months vanishes immediately. Soon, he is able to calculate complex calculations, and his classmates are shocked.
When Hee Liang decides to get into the Grand Plan, and Wu Ling tries to stop him, could it mean that Wu Ling has an ulterior motive for wanting him to leave?
Read on to find out.
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